all settled.. minor issues..

all settled as of today…

final wardrobe attached – all suitcases opened and just put the luggages in a storage area ! yey ! even purses are put in order one by one depending on colors 🙂

couple of issues remaining :

  • tv is there but it has to lie on the floor, tv set missing..
  • still could not find a place for a ‘proper’ manicure..

ladies, things are tougher for you, as well as for me, once you move away from home – because your hair dresser and spa center is gone! finding a replacement may not be easy ( like in my case ) but I hope that you can find better ones..

for me manicure is the worst case right now.. used to have once every week but in UK itis expensive and also not  just the price but the manicure here is not just right!

seeking for the VISAs to go to other countries… travel plans to be started…

as of now – here are the plans, will provide more details as times come closer and I have more detailed plans 🙂

  • June : Spain , Madrid
  • July : Spain , who knows
  • August : back to Turkey for weddings and vacation – vacation plan to be clarified..
  • September : Portuguese for a friends wedding

excited to get going!

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