going back home and coming back…

initially my intensions were not to travel back home for the first 6 months.. then some weddings popped up – so I planed to go back in 5 months. however since you never know what life is about and what are the things that may happen, in the end I was back in my hometown in 5 weeks! – for a company event..

going there back in 5 weeks, 1 week after you settle your house is ‘not’a good idea!

  • you feel like it is really easy to fly back and it feels like back at home again , before getting used to your new home and the new setup
  • seeing friends, in the case where you still do not have new friends in your new country makes you feel like you will be lonely again as you go back…
  • seeing hundreds of people around – becoming the center of attention makes you feel good but also makes you think what the hack you will go through as you have to go back..

so for the new expats out there   I strongly

do not suggest that you go back home in such short notice

try to make friends who are not from the same hometown as you are , so you do not talk about being back at home all the time..

House Warming Logoand if you do an unplanned visit like i did – plan a social event with everyone you know in your new hometown – that ‘s what I did… I planned a house warming just after the day I arrive and called everyone that I know or my friends know to my house so that we can have some chit chat and wine..

just to ensure that you still have people around, even though you are not the princess anymore..


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